jeudi 24 novembre 2016

How use Renault CAN Clip to reprogram Renault Scenic ECU?

This is a step-by-step guide for using Renault CAN Clip Diagnostic Interface to reprogram ECU for Renault Scenic Diesel 1.5 DCI. Hope it helps.
Renault CAN Clip
Step1. Open Renault CAN Clip software then click the third icon at left side as picture shows:
It will automatically feature out vehicle information. Click “Reprogramming”.

Step2. Choose “Injection” then click “Validate”.
Enter the repairing order then click “Validate”.

Step3. Before ECU reprogramming, you should check battery voltage.
Choose “CD-ROM” when the select reprogramming mode window pops up, after that click “Validate”.

Step4. Now you need to enter “After Sales Programming Code”. You can use “Renault Pin Extractor” to calculate the code: click “Reprog”→ enter the programming code 734066 at “Request Code” blank→ click “Calculate”.
Copy the “Reprog Code” to “After Sales Programming Code” blank and click “Validate”.

Step5. Now Renault CAN Clip ECU reprogramming will start. Just wait it complete.
Check all following items and click “Finish”.

lundi 21 novembre 2016

only focus on changing mileage for almost all vehicles via OBD2

OBDSTAR X300M is only focus on changing mileage for almost all vehicles via OBD2This is guide for using OBDSTAR X300M to change mileage for Mazda 6 2006.
Now let’s go to the detailed steps:
The current mileage is 152550km
First of all, connect X300M with your vehicle and start it.
Step1: Choose vehicle model
Then choose vehicle model: [Mazda] → [Manual Selection] → [M6] → [2005-2009]

OBDSTAR X300M will remind you switch ignition on
 Step2: Data backup
Do data backup before changing mileage
Then turn off the ignition and turn it on again
Then choose [Data backup]
Input the name of file to save

Stpe3: Mileage Adjustment
Choose [Mileage Adjustment]
Turn off the ignition and turn it on
Current mileage information, Press ENT to continue
Input the mileage you want and confirm it.
Press ENT
Turn off the ignition and turn it on again, then wait a second for mileage adjusting to complete.

Some friends say they can also use X300 Pro3 to change mileage, what’s the difference?
That’s right X300M and X300 Pro3 has exactly the same menu of odometer correction
If your purpose is only changing mileage for your vehicles, X300M is the best option without doubt.
If you want to do more jobs like Immobilizer, read EEprom/PIC, EPB, Oil/Service reset and Battery Matching etc, then X300 Pro3 is the best.

How to setup Tis2000 on Windows XP for GM Tech 2

This is a GM Tech 2 user successful case of setup Tech 2 tis2000 software on Windows XP. Put here for sharing.
BIG THANKS to Mooseman
So you have a Tech2 scan tool but a lot of the things you would like to do is locked out because you don't have access to the computer software to allow you to do it. Things like updating PCM's and modules and anything security related are locked out. If you bought one of the Tech2 clones, it probably came with a CD with the Tis2000 software. If you install it and try to use it, it says that it can't find the USB security dongle or something like that. That's because only dealers have those or a clone of one wasn't included.
First of all, this is old software. It was discontinued in 2008 by GM which means that it works only for vehicles up to model year 2007. It will have PCM and module updates included. For example, I was able to update all of the modules and PCM in my 2006 9-7x even though it had only been a year or two since production and issue of this software. It will also allow you to reprogram a module that you are replacing.
The Tech2 scanner communicates with the computer using a serial port on the computer running Windows XP SP3. This can be a problem if you only have newer computers. Best and easiest scenario is to use an older laptop computer that has a serial port running windows XP. In my setup, I used an old IBM T40 laptop, which is fairly decent processor wise, installed a fresh copy of Windows XP SP3 and used a docking station with it that has a serial port. Laptops that have actual serial ports built in are probably so old that they are too slow or have age and reliability issues. Another solution would be to get a USB to serial port adapter and specify the proper COM port number during the install of Tis2000.
Another possible solution would be to use a virtual environment on a host computer. VMWare is free to use and it has been done from what I read but could be a fairly involved process because of the serial port issue, especially when using a USB to serial adapter. The challenge of communicating from the virtual environment through the real computer's hardware ports can make it difficult but can be done. I'm not going to discuss this type of installation but the basic software installation and use will be the same. If anyone gets a virtual install working, please post it up.
In some detail, this is what I did. Keep in mind that you should have some computer knowledge and know how to install Windows.
1. Installed a fresh copy of Windows XP SP3. I didn't bother with updating anything else as far as security updates to Windows or install a virus scan because this computer will never be connected to the Internet or used for anything else.
2. Installed ALL the required drivers until there were no more yellow check marks in Device Manager. I failed to do this at first and caused a lot of headaches later, including a BSOD during software installation.
3. If you're using a USB to serial adapter, plug it in now and set it up. Go into Device Manager and make note of the COM port used by the adapter.
3. Install the Tis2000 software from the CD included with the Tech2. During the install, it will ask you to specify the COM port. If you have a serial port on the computer, it's probably COM 1 or use the one from the USB adapter.
4. Before you can use TIS2000 with your Tech2, you have to make it "think" that there is a dongle connected that authorizes it. You can download the crack below. Follow the read me file for instructions on how to use it.
That's it. More threads will come explaining how to do stuff with it but this will get you going.
And if you need them:
TIS2000 Software
Tis2000 Dongle

Maybe there are some free links to download, but i’m not sure of its functionality and security. Good luck if download files online.
Warning: In Tis2000, whatever you do, DO NOT USE THE "SOFTWARE DOWNLOAD" BUTTON! This will retrograde the card in your Tech2 to an old version from 2008.

lundi 14 novembre 2016

How to use OBDSTAR VAG-PRO VS Super VAG K+CAN Plus

OBDSTAR VAG-PROとSuperVAG K+ CANプラス2はVAG車のために設計されています。それらはいくつかの特別な機能を実行することができ、以下はそれらの比較表です。
商品名OBDSTAR VAG-PROキープログラマSuperVAG K+CAN Plus 2
画像 obdstar-vag-pro-1 super-vag-k-can-plus-2
言語英語 英語
Read Security Access Code
Oil/Service Reset  
Battery match 
SRS reset 
EPB(Electronic Park Brake) 
TPS(Throttle Position Matching) 
TV Activation 
診断√(basic diagnosis)
1. メインユニットは、速度が速くなり、ARM高速チップを採用しています。
2. 統合された構造設計、手ぶれ補正、耐久性のあります
3. 工業デザインツールが高温と低温のように厳しい環境下で安定して動作しますが保証されます。
4. 大容量TF卡
1. 32ビットプロセッサを使用して、より優れたコンピューティング能力と互換性を持ちます
2. 大きなフラッシュボリュームを持って、CPU拡張が支持し、アップグレードすることができます
3. 高い画面解像度
4. データを簡単に入力し、多機能デジタルキーボードを使用して、デジタル・ショートカットをサポートします
5. シェルは耐久性のある材料を採用して、複雑な作業環境に適用します。
結論1. 機能:
1.AG-PROはk+can plus2と同様の機能を持っていますが、VAG-proはオイルリセット、バッテリーの試合、SRSリセット、EPB、TPSのようなより多くの機能をサポートしています。
2. VAG k+can plus2 TV活性化をサポートしますが、vag-pro はできません;
4.手持ちのデバイス, 操作便利